Wednesday 21 January 2015

Snoop Dogg branded a "misogynist wretch" by a judge - after woman punched officer following his gig

The judge told the fan Simone Campbell he couldn't understnad

Snoop Dogg has been branded a "misogynist wretch" by a judge in Northern Ireland.

Judge Barney McElholm made the surprising remark during the trail of a woman who PUNCHED a police officer after attending one of Snoop's gigs at Derry's Ebrington Square in October 2014.

He claimed he couldn't understand why the star was ever allowed back in the country after being banned in 2006 and why any woman would want to see him live.

The court heard Simone Campbell, 18, downed eight glasses of wine and "a quantity" of rum before hitting the office on the ear and resisting arrest on her way home from the concert.

Judge McElholm said: "Despite the bad behaviour espoused by his lyrics there was no excuse for this. Why any woman would want to go to a concert to listen to this misogynist wretch escapes me. Why he was allowed into the country in the first place is another matter."

Snoop Dogg headlining at Boardmasters 2014
Miss Campbell admitted the assault in court this week and was given a 12-month probation order.

Snoop was banned from entering the UK after a scuffle at Heathrow Aiport when his crew was stopped from entering the first class lounge by British Airways.

According to reports, the star and his pals were so annoyed they vandalised a duty-free shop and the US rapper wasn't allowed in the country again until 2010.

Video footage of the incident shows the group getting into a huge scuffle with security before police come in to try and calm down the situation while fellow passengers are heard screaming.

The controversial star tried a number of times to come back to the UK after being banned but was constantly rebuffed.

This meant a planned UK tour with P Diddy the following year was axed when he was denied a travel visa.

Snoop has had a number of other bad boy moments, including his outrageous Twitter rant at rapper Iggy Azalea, in which he told her: "Say b**ch, you're f**king with the wrong n***a and your n***a better check you before I do you funky b**ch. Yeah, you. F**king c**t."

He's such a pleasant guy.

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